Population Growth:

According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, Fort Worth’s population is 918,915. The City of Fort Worth has added more than 177,700 persons between the 2010 Census base estimate and 2020, equating to 24% growth since 2010.

The City of Fort Worth is ranked 13th in the nation. At the current rate of population growth, Fort Worth projects to be home to approximately 1,000,000 people by 2028. 

The Need:

With the current rate of population growth in Fort Worth, there are not enough churches being planted to match and reach the growth. Simply put, Fort Worth needs more churches.

That is the reason we are planting Trinity River Baptist Church––to help reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And by God’s grace, we hope to be a reproducing church that helps plant and revitalize other churches in Fort Worth and beyond.

Gospel Partnerships:

Trinity River Baptist Church is eager to partner with Southwestern Seminary to help raise up the next generation of pastors and missionaries. The way the great commission gets fulfilled is by churches investing in and resourcing future pastors and missionaries to take the gospel to the nations and plant new churches.